Sunday, December 29, 2013

Done and dusted

Christmas has been and gone, most pleasant it was too. Had fresh new swift potatoes straight from the garden. They are quite easy to feel under ground and then gently remove them without disturbing other smaller ones nearby. The zucchini are now popping out a few every couple of days and the new Black Krim tomato is growing well and has two sets of flowers already.

Plums plumming

Oval shaped Roma tomato showing it's bristles
A few plums have started to drop, it's a race between me and the blackbirds to get to them. We have runner and monstrance beans now and a couple of tomatoes are starting to colour up.

Money maker tomato
The texture of runner beans
Runner bean runners
there are huge carrots lurking underground, the little bit sticking up above ground gives no indication of what is below...

Not for the faint hearted.
A lovely time in the garden at the moment, we've just had a nice rain and everything is at maximum go. Been giving things a weakish dose of fruit and flowering thrive every weekend. Seems to work well.

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