Sunday, November 19, 2017

Planting and weeper hoses

I think I've found the answer to watering, doing it at the roots and not getting the leaves wet. The weeper hose, made from recycled materials and it gently leaks water all along it's length. I have half buried half covered it over and the water gently gets down to the roots, reducing wastage.
I was able to cut the one I bought in half so it does 2 separate gardens. With the addition of a water timer summer should be sorted  :)
One of the potato tubs was looking awful so I tipped it out and was most pleased to get 1.5 Kg of lovely new spuds! Also picked some lovely young carrots to thin the rows.
Planted a bunch of nice fresh lettuce and an aubergine just for the hell of it

Weeper hose weeping

The weeper hose along the base of the plants

New aubergine plant nestled in

Some new lettuce seedlings

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