Sunday, November 27, 2011

gentle early summer/late spring weekend

Did many good deeds, the planting of red sails lettuce, a nice small french tarragon (so good with chicken) a blackjack courgette, 22 globe beetroot and 26 red onions.
Took out the lilly pilly tree by the table, the garden seems twice as big.
Put up a sail over the bathroom window. 

Pulled the last of the leeks so there will be some nice rissottos soon.

A pick of early garlic some very early chillies and some oregano, a Baldric sort of Christmas photo

sweet corn up to stick height

Anti blackbird hats over the beetroot and onion seedlings

Beans looking good, about to flower. Have given toms and beans etc flowering and fruiting thrive.
Lilly pilly tree gone...

Anti sun hat on the zucchini plant in the left foreground.

Had a pleasant afternoon with a mum, a dad, a sister, an aunt and an uncle, a few beers and some cheese. Nice!

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