Monday, December 16, 2019

A week and a bit from Christmas

Mad times, busy at work and the garden is exploding and Christmas itself looming on the horizon :)

I am loving my two big tomato plants so far, trying to keep them clean and lean. I remove branches near the ground, any branches obscuring other branches from the sun, and after allowing four or so laterals I nip out every other one. After a while I will nip out the tips so the plants spend all their energy on the tomatoes that are there not getting weaker and weaker growing evermore.
These are going to be good, a nice size, certainly many of them and I had the red one for breakfast on Sunday when it was ready, grilled with bacon and fried eggs. It was lovely, fruity sweet and tasty :)

The first red one on the Money Maker tomato

A bunch of newly hatched stink bugs, I did a quick spray before they went astray :)

Vegetable garden view, moved the clementine mandarin to the end, it will look amazing with orange fruit all over it. The tomatoes are on the left and right

Lean and mean zucchini plant

I have been removing any dodgy leaves from the zucchini plant as well, they pinch off quite well and the plant responds with more fruit and fresh new leaves. All the diseases and white fly are always on the horrible old ones at the base :)

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