Sunday, November 15, 2015

November news

Life has been busy, almost too busy for gardening. The whole thing is exploding with growth, all manner of flowers and vegetables are growing wonderously. The tomato plants are thriving and have small fruit, the plum tree is weighing down a bit already.I have just planted 34 beetroot seedlings, some Detroit Red and some Cylindricals.

panorama with zucchini plant and tomatoes in the foreground

The broccolini are now all finished, they have been a constant source of lovely steamed goodness for many months.
A must in the garden. Bought some more coriander plants and some small lush rocket plants, the old ones are a riot of flowers (which are lovely to eat).

Snow from the snowball tree

 A painted visitor, this one has no fear and easily snuck under my chicken wire protection to steal my worms :)

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