Sunday, October 11, 2009

Warm spring day

Lovely day. Painted primer on the sanded bits of the house today.

Also replaced the trellising on the pea frame, they didn't seem to want to hang on to the wood. Got some chicken wire and gently transferred the tendrils on to it. Hopefully they'll go whoosh. Should be better for ventilation and light as well.

Cleared up where the tomatoes and capsicums will be planted next weekend. Gave the beds some fertilizer as well.

Plums are fattening, not many though...

The long red capsicum seedlings are looking happy and ready to go

A veritable forest of garlic

The front lawn needs mowing but it's far too pretty with all the buttercups...


Unknown said...

damn you and your fertile soil brb. our canberra vege garden, despite having 20 more degrees Celsius than yours, is barren like the red centre


Nigel Gnome said...

Ha, yes when people come here from Australia all they can go on about is how green everything is. Just seems normal to us though...