Thursday, June 8, 2017

Heading for the shortest day

June the 26th is the day, after that we get longer days and start heading to Spring, can't wait. Though we have only had one morning with ice on the car so far, mustn't grumble :)
The vegetable patch still looks pretty full, we have sugar snap peas, broad beans, cauliflower and tenderstem broccoli as well as some capsicums and chilies, beetroot and fennel bulbs, lettuce and rocket

Shy cauliflower hiding amongst it's protective leaves
Sugar snap pea plant

Cauliflower and broccoli patch with large leaf rocket on the left

Broccoli heads starting to get bigger

Still getting redder

Great harvest of red goodness

1 comment:

mypapers said...

I really appreciate your gardening work. The result shows everything about your hardwork. I want to know how to protect the vegetable from insects.